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 Prish imella sadush

Shko poshtë 


Numri i postimeve : 43
Points : 129
Join date : 18/06/2009

Prish imella sadush Empty
MesazhTitulli: Prish imella sadush   Prish imella sadush EmptyThu Jun 18, 2009 5:56 pm

Nese doni me qit dikan prej Msn edhe mos me mujt me qel qat imell ne qat PC qonja qit link edhe thuni le ta len te Nick name ose aty posht edhe nese viktima e len atehere verehet rrezullatati

n—a_Á—ay±m—aÁÇáç±Çáß±Çá§ÁaÇáDZOÇá—±Ç᧱Çár×ÁÇ á+NÇ áLáÇá
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Prish imella sadush
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